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Everyone is Welcome
We are excited about what the Holy Spirit is doing in our parish and in our community. We would love to share that excitement with you.
News & Events
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Altar Flowers Sign Up
Altar Flowers are a key part of our worship service. Please sign up for your special dates!
Backpack Weekend Food Program
The Backpack Weekend Food Program is up and running for another school year. Here's an opportunity for a small gift to have a big impact on a local child. We will need those who will pack the bags, and those who will deliver them to the Gardener Park Elementary School. Click the link below to sign up.
Breakfast Sign Up
Please sign up to provide a breakfast on Sunday. It can be as simple or complex as you wish.
From the Diocese - Building Beloved Community & Racial Reconciliation
Soup/Sandwich Ministry - Soup Sign Up
Join us every Wednesday at 10:00AM to prepare a lunch, which includes soup, sandwich, chips, fruit & drink. It's then distributed at the bus station.
If you would like to provide soup (2 1/2 gals), please click the link below.
If you would like to provide soup (2 1/2 gals), please click the link below.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Join us on the 3rd Monday monthly at 9:00AM in the Balthis Room for a knitting group. No experience required. We are help to teach you.
Second Helping In-Reach Ministry
Second Helping is a ministry for parish families experiencing a shortage when it comes to groceries. A cabinet exists upstairs and the top shelf in the freezer are set aside to provide food. Donations of canned food (not green beans please) for the cabinet, and frozen chicken, fish, vegetables for the freezer, are appreciated! (Please date the packages)
Youth Volunteers Wanted
St. Mark’s has an active and growing youth ministry, and its backbone is the group of committed adults who surround our youth. We have a number of ways to help, from cooking meals to planning fundraisers to being a weekly youth advisor. Interested? Let’s talk. Contact Fr. John to start a conversation.
Stephen Ministry is here for you!
St. Mark's is a Stephen Ministry Parish with trained care-givers who are available to listen and help people through crises in their lives such as illness, deaths, or other trauma. Please contact a member of the clergy if you would like to speak with a Stephen Minister.
Summer Schedule
Begins June 16, 2024
Summer schedule means the beginning of our Family Service, which is held at 9:30 am in the Parish Hall. Sunday School and Children's Chapel will continue until Sunday, June 9, and then we will move into the Family Service on the 16th.
Beginning this Sunday, May 26, 2024, we will not be serving breakfast. Breakfast will begin again with the beginning of the church year in the fall.
Beginning this Sunday, May 26, 2024, we will not be serving breakfast. Breakfast will begin again with the beginning of the church year in the fall.
Adopt-a-Bed - Community Garden
Our Garden Project with All Saints continues this year and keeps on growing! If you or your family would like to help with watering please speak to Travis Johnson, Leslie Harris or Deacon Brenda.
St. Mark's will be holding the Annual Book Sale this year!
We have missed having it during the summer months and it's wonderful to have it back. So pick out your summer read for you and your whole family and donate as your heart leads you. And feel free to bring in books from your own home library to donate.
All proceeds are given to Church Periodical Club, an Episcopal organization which provides grants to purchase written material free for those who don't have the funds to do so.
All proceeds are given to Church Periodical Club, an Episcopal organization which provides grants to purchase written material free for those who don't have the funds to do so.
Did you have a memorable Sunday school experience growing up?
Maybe you know someone who did? Be a part of a team listening for where the Spirit is moving in how we teach and form our children in the faith.
This isn't a call for teachers (though we're listening if you're interested!), but for a few people who'd like to gather feedback, inventory our gifts, learn our history, and dream some options for children's formation going forward.
If your curiosity has been piqued, contact Fr. John. He eagerly awaits your call!
This isn't a call for teachers (though we're listening if you're interested!), but for a few people who'd like to gather feedback, inventory our gifts, learn our history, and dream some options for children's formation going forward.
If your curiosity has been piqued, contact Fr. John. He eagerly awaits your call!
Building Beloved Community & Racial Reconciliation
Prayer Concerns
Please pray for the following persons who are connected to St. Mark’s. Contact the church office or email Debbie at to add or remove someone to the list.
St Mark's Magnet
Magnets are available! Please contact the church office. 1 for $8 or 2 for $15. Get yours today!
Crisis Assistance Ministry
Please remember, if you are able, that CAM can use donations throughout the year.
Clothing Closet
Clothes Closet Volunteers are needed. We will train you. Please see Deacon Brenda or Cathy Wesson for more information.
Children's Chapel & Nursery Volunteers Needed
Children's Chapel Leaders are needed. Please contact Penny Barker.
Additional nursery volunteers are needed. Please contact the church office.
Additional nursery volunteers are needed. Please contact the church office.
Saturday: 5:00 PM Mark's Place Contemporary Service - Parish Hall
Sunday Services: (click for more info)
8:00 AM - Holy Eucharist Rite I
10:30 AM - Holy Eucharist Rite II
Wednesday Service: 9:00 AM Communion
Thursday Service: 1:00 PM Healing Service
258 W Franklin Blvd
Gastonia, NC 28052
Office Hours: 9am-5pm Mon-Thurs
Office: (704) 864-4531
After-hours Emergency - 704 718-7034
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